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Aquafin saw some unexploited opportunities in the market around the collection, storage and use of rainwater. Aquafin was looking for a partner to support them in developing, refining and deepening the concept of “rainwater-as-a-service”.



AstraZeneca called in our help to create a vision, roadmap and playbook to prepare them for a digital operating model, during and after Corona.

Avans Hogeschool

Avans Hogeschool

Avans University asked our help to assess the impact of Covid on their existing digital transformation strategy and plans. The aim was to create a strong vision of the future of (higher) education as the result of digital and societal disruptions in society.

City Of Ostend

City Of Ostend

For the City of Ostend we created a long-term vision on the increasingly complex societal problems they face. We went for a twofold approach that allowed us to anticipate the long-term challenges of 2050 while also thinking on concrete projects to reach the 2030 ambitions.



How does a sector federation anticipate fundamental changes in the industry? Cultuurconnect wanted to get a better understanding of the possible transformation of the cultural sector, to develop a vision for culture and performing arts in a post-covid world.



Unilever wanted to find the new S-curve for the coming decade. They needed a new perspective and an out-of-the-box view to continue to deliver strong results in the coming years.



The media and entertainment sector has been one of the first to go through serious transformation. In this exercise VRT looked at the new (post-Covid) challenges that are both technological and societal by nature. We co-created a vision to enforce VRT’s position as a local hero in an increasingly global (media)world.

© 2022 by Scopernia

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