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Digital Transformation: what is it & why is it (not) dead?
Digital transformation is dead - you just don't know it yet. Digital disruptions are not the only forces impacting your business!

Jo Caudron
Oct 31, 20225 min read
Digital Transformation: what is it & why is it (not) dead?
Digital transformation is dead - you just don't know it yet. Digital disruptions are not the only forces impacting your business!

Emily De Baets
Jun 15, 20225 min read
The future of construction is K-shaped: how crises are widening the gap.
In this article, we explore the trends that are shaping the future of construction. Although the housing market has been under pressure...

Jo Caudron
Mar 29, 20222 min read
Emily De Baets becomes partner at Scopernia Europe
At the end of 2021, Emily De Baets became partner at Scopernia Europe. This is her story… This milestone in my professional career,...

Jo Caudron
Mar 9, 20225 min read
Forget the “Roaring Twenties”, this is the decennium of the "Great Disequilibrium"!
Forget “The Roaring Twenties”, they will not happen For several months now, many have been talking about the period after Covid as the...

Jo Caudron
Feb 5, 20223 min read
Impact Series, part 1: Digital Transformation is dead, long live Impact Transformation!
In this series of 5 blog posts, we make the case for the end of Digital Transformation as we know it. We present some radical new...

Jo Caudron
Feb 4, 20225 min read
Impact Series, part 2: The Waves Of Transformation: From Digitization To Impact Transformation.
In part 1 of this series we already touched upon the definition of Digital Transformation and how it evolved into something else. In this...

Jo Caudron
Feb 3, 20225 min read
Impact Series, part 3: The two lessons of the Covid crisis.
In part 2 of this series, I talked about the history of transformation from Digital to Societal and finally to Impact Transformation. I...

Jo Caudron
Feb 2, 20228 min read
Impact Series, part 4: In search of the new equilibrium
In part 3 of this series, I talked about how the world has come to a turning point, with two important insights: waiting to transform is...

Jo Caudron
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Impact Series, part 5: Why we need Impact Transformation
In the previous blog posts in this series, we have shown how the Covid crisis has become a turning point for society in general and...
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