Aquafin saw some unexploited opportunities in the market around the collection, storage and use of rainwater. Aquafin was looking for a partner to support them in developing, refining and deepening the concept of “rainwater-as-a-service”.
About the client
Aquafin is a Belgian company, based in Aartselaar, owned by the "Vlaamse Milieuholding", specialised in wastewater treatment and mainly active in Flanders. Aquafin manages 311 wastewater treatment plants, over 6.000 km of supra-municipal collectors and 1.390 pumping stations and detention basins. Aquafin observed an increasing demand for rainwater and plans by local governments due to heavy rainfall and drought.
Project Objectives
- Evaluation of the current rain-water (study) solutions
- Market research on new, innovative rainwater solution ideas
- Mapping of stakeholder problems & opportunities for partnerships
Aquafin specialises in rainwater plans and saw some unexploited opportunities in the market around the collection, storage and use of rainwater. After they were inspired by one of our webinars on the future of living, they reached out to us. Aquafin was looking for a partner to support them in developing, refining and deepening the concept of “rainwater-as-a-service”. They called in our help to get a better understanding of how this idea could take form more concretely, and what its market potential was.
We started this process with interviewing different stakeholder groups to get a deep understanding of underlying issues and problems. We took into account the different perspectives from relevant actors in the water landscape. From real estate developers, to farmers and governments, we interviewed every stakeholder that might hold a piece of the puzzle. We chose this approach to get a holistic view, which was necessary to connect the dots on a wicked societal problem such as drought & extensive waterfall.
Thanks to this wide expanded first phase, we were able to put forward concrete solutions that solved multiple stakeholder problems and that guaranteed market potential. On top, we were able to thoroughly evaluate the current rainwater (study) solutions and indicate points of improvement and opportunities.
- Analysis of stakeholder needs and problems
- Mapping of relevant venture opportunities with market potential
- Thorough evaluation of current rainwater (study) solutions